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Tectonics of the Anti-Atlas of Morocco (Géoparc Jbel Bani)

Tectonics of the Anti-Atlas of Morocco (Géoparc Jbel Bani) By Martin Burkhard, Séverine Caritg, Urs Helg, Charles Robert-Charrue, Abderrahmane Soulaimani Institut de géologie, université de Neuchâtel, rue Émile-Argand 11, CP 2, 2007 Neuchâtel, Switzerland BUWAL, Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald und Landschaf, 3003 Bern, Suisse Faculté des sciences Semlalia, université

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Reply to the Comment on ‘‘the Moroccan Hercynides’’ (Maroc-Géoparc Jbel Bani)

Reply to the Comment on ‘‘the Moroccan Hercynides’’ (Maroc-Géoparc Jbel Bani) By Roddaz M., Soula J.C., Benabbou M., Brusset S., Debat P., Ntarmouchant A., Driouch Y., & Be´ziat D. The paper ‘‘The Moroccan Hercynides ’’ is primarily a synthesis of the Paleozoic development of Morocco, developed from existing data. It is not its aim to present a new geodynamic model, or to

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