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Estimating sustainability gaps: methods and preliminary applications for the UK and the Netherlands (Géoparc Jbel Bani)

Estimating sustainability gaps: methods and preliminary applications for the UK and the Netherlands (Géoparc Jbel Bani) By DR. Sandrine Simon, DR. Paul Ekins School of Politics, International Relations and the Environment (SPIRE) Keele University of Kee/e Staffs ST5 5BG, UK Abstract Received 7 February 2000; received in revised form 13 November 2000; accepted 15 November 2000 this paper sets out and applies a new methodolog

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Territorial Education through Urban Agriculture: Contributing to Building Sustainable Cities in Times of a Pandemic

Current Issues in Comparative Education (CICE), Volume 23, Issue 1, Winter 2021 Territorial Education through Urban Agriculture: Contributing to Building Sustainable Cities in Times of a Pandemic Sandrine Simon Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias de Lisboa The multi-dimensional damages caused by the Covid-19 pandemic have highlighted the fragility of our economic systems and their lack of resilience. Peo

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The ‘Covid‑Trigger’: New Light on Urban Agriculture and Systemic Approach to Urbanism to Co‑Create a Sustainable Lisbon

Systemic Practice and Action Research ORIGINAL RESEARCH The ‘Covid‑Trigger’: New Light on Urban Agriculture and Systemic Approach to Urbanism to Co‑Create a Sustainable Lisbon Sandrine Simon Accepted: 28 March 2022 © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022 Abstract In 2018, Lisbon won the ti

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Personal proximity, disruptive dissent, and participatory urban governance as forms of climate change activism through urban agriculture: Illustrative examples in green European capitals Lisbon & Bristol

Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, n.º 62, 2022, pp-pp. https/ Personal proximity, disruptive dissent, and participatory urban governance as forms of climate change activism through urban agriculture: Illustrative examples in green European capitals Lisbon & Bristol Proximidade pessoal, dissidência disruptiva e governança urbana participativa como formas de ativi

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From green capital of Europe to sustainable city: steps through an urban transformative journey in Lisbon

From green capital of Europe to sustainable city: steps through an urban transformative journey in Lisbon Sandrine Simon CeiED, Universidade Lusófona, Lisboa, Portugal Resumo:  Whilst Portugal was, for centuries, mainly rural, 1/3 of its population now lives in Lisbon. The increase in its number of inhabitants (1,3 million in 1940; 2.5 millions in 1981) makes Lisbon a place of part

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Towards city resilience, food security and territorial learning. Three territorial paradigmatic shifts triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Towards city resilience, food security and territorial learning. Three territorial paradigmatic shifts triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Sandrine Simon [0000-0002-3769-9834], Universidade Lusófona. Interdisciplinary Centre for Research on Education and Development CeiED. Abstract – According to projections, the urban share of the world population will grow to 66% by 2050, with people

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The potential of citizens science for sociospatial studies. Defining and operationalising research pathways

The potential of citizens science for sociospatial studies. Defining and operationalising research pathways Sandrine Simon [0000-0002-3769-9834], Universidade Lusófona, Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development, Lisbon, Portugal. Tiago Duarte [0000-0002-6167-1399], Universidade Lusófona, Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development, Lisbon, Port

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A New Phase in the History of Education for Sustainability. The Emergence of Territorial Education in a Post-Covid Recovery Period

World Journal of Educational Research ISSN 2375-9771 (Print) ISSN 2333-5998 (Online) Vol. 9, No. 3, 2022 Original Paper A New Phase in the History of Education for Sustainability. The Emergence of Territorial Education in a Post-Covid Recovery  Period Sandrine Simon 1 CeiED, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisbon, Portugal * Sandrine Simon, CeiED, Univ

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COVID-19 and Higher Education : Crossed Perspectives in the Construction of Knowledge and the Rise of Citizen Science. Theoretical reflections and practical approach in the 11th Encounter of CeiED researchers.

Current Issues in Comparative Education (CICE), Volume 24, Issue 2, Special Issue 2022 COVID-19 and Higher Education : Crossed Perspectives in the Construction of Knowledge and the Rise of Citizen Science. Theoretical reflections and practical approach  in the 11th Encounter of CeiED researchers.   Sandrine Simon Universidade Lusófona Lucimar Dantas  Universidade Lusófona Ensuring that l

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'Field work': drawing lessons from urban agriculture to facilitate transitions towards sustainable cities

'Field work': drawing lessons from urban agriculture to facilitate transitions towards sustainable cities Sandrine Simon Email Corresponding author: CeiED, Universidade Lusófona, Portugal Abstract: Based on a research project focused on urban agriculture initiatives in Lisbon, this article explores the three dimensions (economic, ecological and social) of sustainability, in view of improving ou

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From citizen scientist to citizen science : Exchanges of perspectives on how to construct Knowledge

From citizen scientist to citizen science : Exchanges of perspectives on how to construct Knowledge Lucimar Dantas and Sandrine Simon(Eds.) Dimension of Citizen Science in CeiED PhD projects In July 2021, the annual research meeting of CeiED involving the three areas (education, urban planning and museology) focused in its 11th edition on Citizen Science. Entitled ‘Do cientista cidadão a ciência cidadã:

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